Becoming Butterfly: An Indigenous Approach to Transformation
The Becoming Butterfly framework was inspired by the Community Involvement to Renew Commitment, Leadership, and Effectiveness (CIRCLE) process for capacity development. CIRCLE honors the concepts found in the Gathering of Native Americans curriculum, a culture-based planning process built upon an Indigenous theoretical framework to address community-identified issues. We apply the Becoming Butterfly framework in all of our work. It reflects the […]

[Save The Date] – A Meeting of Sacred Waters 2023
(August 8, 2021) EVENT DATE: NOV 18 (US) / NOV 19 (NZ), 2021 – Register Now! Join us for a conversation about the health and healing of our rivers. Rivers are living entities. They embody a life force, spiritual power and authority unto themselves. As Indigenous peoples, our relationship with rivers, springs, and oceans is […]

Aligning Systems for Health
We work with communities to take a high-level, holistic view of how partners can work together to improve coordination, cooperation, and effectiveness. Red Star, Seven Directions, A Center for Indigenous Public Health at the University of Washington and 5 Tribal Nations in the U.S. are partners in a practice-based study of how health care delivery, […]

[Press Release] Aligning Systems for Health in Tribal Communities
(July 22, 2021) Red Star and its partners from Seven Directions, A Center for Indigenous Public Health based at the University of Washington, are honored to work with five tribal nations to increase capacity and to deepen their understanding of systems – people, processes, and context. The launch of our new study, Indigenous Health Systems: […]

[Press Release] Red Star leads exploration of pathways to build climate and ecosystem resilience.
(January 31, 2021) Indigenous communities are among those most adversely affected by climate change, despite contributing very little to its causes. According to a recent United Nations, Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services report, biodiversity is declining less rapidly in lands that are traditionally owned, managed, used or occupied by Indigenous people. Colonial […]

Transforming Performance to Improve Health
Performance management, in its simplest terms, is a deliberate process of measuring, monitoring and reporting progress toward strategic goals and objectives. We have woven the Becoming Butterfly with an adapted performance management model from the Montana State Public Health and Safety Integrated Performance Management System to provide a practical approach to identify culturally aligned performance targets, monitor […]

First Indigenous Public Health Institute
Red Star created the first public health institute in the United States to focus solely on Indigenous health and wellness. We had a vision to create greater connectivity across the national tribal health system, which includes the many tribes, communities and organizations dedicated to the health and wellness of American Indian and Alaska Native people. […]

[Newsletter] March 2021
(March 1, 2021) Webinar Announcement Advancing Indigenous self-determination for healthy and vibrant communities is our mission. REDEFINING HEALTH GOVERNANCE Join us for a webinar introducing the Tribal Health Governance Transformation: A Resource to Strengthen Sovereignty through Public Health Authority. This resource is a practical guide to enhance tribal governance and public health law, build strategic partnerships, and improve […]