About the Collaborative

Indigenous Peoples are leading systems change within their own communities and there is great value in coming together as a global practice community. The Restoring Balance Collaborative is a global multi-sector community that connects, expands, and strengthens local, regional, and national networks by creating a space for idea exchange.

Red Star is the backbone organization – the coordinating body – that leads a synchronized effort towards our shared aspirations and goals. Guided by an international advisory council, the Collaborative provides a shared space, or ‘hub,’ for people to:

  1. Generate and explore ideas in a collaborative environment.
  2. Solve challenging problems through dialogue and exchange.
  3. Connect with people who share similar aspirations.
  4. Create new, mutually beneficial opportunities to network.
  5. Contribute individual strengths to support collective impact.

Although our local contexts are different, our communities face similar challenges, and we can draw strength from each other.

“When we speak all together, we are more powerful. Future generations will benefit.”

Collaborative Participant

Learn about how the Collaborative got its start in the Restoring Balance Practice Brief.

The concept of restoring balance is rooted in Indigenous ways of knowing and living, which calls for sustainable and systemic change to reverse the climate crisis and ensure an abundant future. An international Indigenous advisory council guides the Collaborative, representing Indigenous Nations, organizations, networks and other organizational entities in the U.S., New Zealand and Canada. 

“We know the value of a local collaborative. A global collaborative elevates and
supports our local efforts, while building confidence that we are on the right path.”

Collaborative Member

In its Strategic Plan 2023-2024, the Collaborative prioritizes the need for Indigenous-led knowledge systems to inform legal, regulatory, policy, and practical approaches to address health and environmental challenges.