[Practice Brief] A Case for Tribal Public Health Institutes

(January 12, 2021) Tribal Nations are challenged with protecting its citizens from the preventable causes of death, injury, illness and disability. Public health threats, such as chronic disease, infectious disease outbreaks, and natural disasters, have reinforced the need for a strong public health infrastructure. This practice brief describes how public health has evolved to include […]

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[Tool Kit] Territorial Public Health Performance and Accreditation 101

(January 8, 2021) This resource was designed in collaboration with U.S. Pacific Island territories and the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials.  Based on the principles of traditional Polynesian canoeing practices, this resource provides guidance on building teams, engaging community, and using the accreditation standards and measures as a navigational tool to improve performance.

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[Tool Kit] Roadmap to Tribal Public Health Accreditation

(January 8, 2021) Presented based on the concepts and principles of planting the three sisters  – corn, beans, and squash – this resource provides a comprehensive approach for tribal health departments preparing for public health accreditation from start to finish.

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[Tool Kit] Developing a Tribal Public Health Department Strategic Plan

(January 8, 2021) This capacity-building resource is for tribal department interested in conducting a strategic planning process, especially those interested in public health accreditation.

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Grant awarded to Align Systems in Tribal Communities

Seven Directions, A Center for Indigenous Public Health based at the University of Washington and Red Star International, Inc. were awarded a $420,000 grant by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, in collaboration with Georgia Health Policy Center’s Aligning Systems for Health initiative.

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Press Release Sacred Waters

Indigenous-led public health organizations partner to explore pathways to build climate and ecosystem resilience.

Indigenous communities are among those most adversely affected by climate change, despite contributing very little to its causes.  According to a recent United Nations, Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services report, biodiversity is declining less rapidly in lands that are traditionally owned, managed, used or occupied by Indigenous people. Colonial mindsets continue to […]

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International Indigenous Leaders Gather about their Rivers’ Health

 In February 2020 Tribal Leaders from Arizona travelled to the Whanganui River in New Zealand to explore what it means to live in relationship with our rivers.

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[Webinar] Introduction to the Tribal Health Governance Transformation Resource

(April 6, 2019) Healing and transforming Indigenous health governance systems requires a journey of reclamation and resilience. It is a process by which we construct our collective futures from within our traditional values, norms, and lived experiences, rather than looking to external definitions of sovereignty.  During this webinar, we will introduce a new resource that […]

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[Report] Advancing the Health and Wellness of Our Native Communities

(January 12, 2013) This blueprint report represents a tribal public health agenda based on national input and synthesis of regional and national tribal roundtables.  The agenda includes seven strategic priorities with actionable strategies.

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