[Event] Training: More Than the 5 A’s Virtual Training Commercial Tobacco Cessation Beyond the Clinic Visit – August 25, 2022
(August 18, 2023)
The Red Star team will be delivering this 3-hour training at the Southern Plains Tribal Health Board Virtual Training Summit. Tobacco has always been apart of tribal ways yet commercial tobacco companies have twisted it into an addictive and deadly product. Today, most people who are addicted to nicotine want to quit, but cannot stop on their own. This training is for tribal community program staff who have had prior smoking cessation training or experience. The 5 A’s (Ask, Advise, Assess, Assist & Arrange) Cessation Intervention is an evidence based strategy commonly limited to clinic visits. Using the More than the 5 A’s workbook, we will provide you with the tools to take cessation support beyond the clinic visit and increase quit attempts by implementing the 5 A’sin any tribal community program or setting using motivational interviewing techniques. This interactive and engaging training will increase your confidence in supporting more quit attempts in your tribal community.
Our Workbook: https://redstarintl.org/…/APP_Workbook_Sept2014FINAL.pdf