[Event] A Meeting of Sacred Waters 2024!

(January 24, 2024) Join us! A Meeting of Sacred Waters is a gathering place for sharing Indigenous worldviews, values and perspectives to reclaim the health of the world’s water sources. Through the experiences of Indigenous Peoples from the US and abroad, this global exchange explores solutions to restore balance for the wellbeing of humanity and the environment.

 Join us for a conversation about the health and healing of our ancestral waters

A Meeting of Sacred Waters aims to create connections, build relationships and ignite new ideas for healing our ancestral waters. We will

  • Highlight the interconnectedness between the wellbeing of humanity and the environment.
  • Share examples of Indigenous-led guardianship, stewardship and management practices.
  • Provide a space to engage, exchange and explore new ideas based on Indigenous knowledge systems.
  • Explore pathways to heal our ancestral waters through Indigenous-led systems change. 

We welcome all those who envision a sustainable future, including leaders and representatives from Indigenous Nations and communities; Non-Governmental Organizations; local, state, regional, national and international governments; universities and research institutions; businesses and social enterprises; students; and others.

We respectfully acknowledge the meeting will be held in the Southern Tiwa Territory on the traditional homelands of the Pueblo of Isleta and their descendants. We honor the land and waters of the Rio Grande Basin and all Indigenous Nations and Peoples who maintain historic ties to the basin and persist as stewards throughout the generations.

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Support for A Meeting of Sacred Waters come from a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Agnese Nelms Haury Program in Environment and Social Justice at the University of Arizona.