[Event] A Meeting of Sacred Waters 2024!

ON DEMAND access available! Join us! A Meeting of Sacred Waters is a gathering place for sharing Indigenous worldviews, values and perspectives to reclaim the health of the world’s water sources. Through the experiences of Indigenous Peoples from the US and abroad, this global exchange explores solutions to restore balance for the wellbeing of humanity and the environment.
We’re still savoring the memories of our gathering in the Pueblo of Isleta for A Meeting of Sacred Waters. Whether you attended in person or joined via On Demand, we’re thrilled to offer ways to stay involved with the Sacred Waters discourse.
We respectfully acknowledge the meeting was held in the Southern Tiwa Territory on the traditional homelands of the Pueblo of Isleta and their descendants. We honor the land and waters of the Rio Grande Basin and all Indigenous Nations and Peoples who maintain historic ties to the basin and persist as stewards throughout the generations.
Sacred Waters Gathering Summary
We are pleased to showcase the teachings from A Meeting of Sacred Waters in this summary report. The gathering provided a unqiue space to engage, exchange, and explore new ideas, and to discuss pathways to heal our ancestral waters.
Inspired by the desert water cycle, the summary guides us through a transformational process by highlighting our interconnectedness with the natural world. Each section begins with a guiding question and then summarizes examples of Indigenous-led guardianship, stewardship, and management practices that were shared.
We invite readers to use the summary to guide future efforts and support Indigenous-led initiatives.
By coming together as a global community, Sacred Waters aims to
promote systemic change through law, policy, economics, and management practices that are centered on Indigenous
values and perspectives by:
- Highlighting the interconnectedness between the well-being of humanity and the environment.
- Sharing examples of Indigenous-led guardianship, stewardship, and management practices.
- Providing a space to engage, exchange, and explore new ideas.
- Exploring pathways to heal our ancestral waters through Indigenous-led systems change.

Didn’t attend Sacred Waters but want to watch the videos? You can register for ON DEMAND access to view the recorded keynotes. Registration for unlimited viewing until December 31, 2024 is $50.00. All proceeds go towards registration scholarships for Sacred Waters 2026.
Friendly Reminder: Access to the Attendee Hub and recorded videos are intended for Sacred Waters 2024 attendees and those who register for access only and should not be shared without express permission. Duplication or recordings (screenshots, video recordings, etc) are strictly prohibited.
Media can find more information about the event >> MEDIA RELEASE
Contact us to learn about future events.
Support for A Meeting of Sacred Waters come from a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Agnese Nelms Haury Program in Environment and Social Justice at the University of Arizona, and Native Voices Rising.