[Event] A Meeting of Sacred Waters 2023
(December 14, 2022)

Save The Date: February 16, 2023
A Global Gathering of Indigenous Voices
10am to 4pm • HYBRID
Heard Museum • Phoenix, Arizona
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Land and Water Acknowledgement
We respecfully acknowledge the meeting will be held on the ancestral homelands of the Akimel O’odham and Piipaash (Maricopa) Peoples and their descendents. We also acknowledge the Colorado River Basin and the 30 Tribal Nations who maintain historic ties to the basin in what is now the U.S. and Mexico.
Join us for a conversation about the health and healing of our ancestral waters.
A Meeting of Sacred Waters is a hybrid gathering that provides a space for sharing Indigenous worldviews, values and perspectives to reclaim the health of the world’s water sources. Through the experiences of Indigenous Peoples from the US and abroad, this global exchange explores solutions to restore balance for the wellbeing of humanity and the environment.
Join this global conversation.
At this event we will:
• Highlight the interconnectedness between our health and the health of our rivers.
• Provide a space for Indigenous knowledge exchange.
• Explore pathways to heal our rivers through Indigenous-led systemic change.
We welcome all those who envision a sustainable future, including leaders and representatives from Indigenous Nations and communities; Non-Governmental Organizations; local, state, regional, national and international governments; universities and research institutions; businesses and social enterprises; students; and others.
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Support for A Meeting of Sacred Water comes from a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.